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2. Dostoevskij F.M. Zapiski iz podpol'ya: Povest'. (Notes from the Underground: a story) M.: Martin, 2022. 143 s. (In Russ.).
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6. Lo Guan'-chzhun. Troecarstvie. (Romance of the Three Kingdoms). M.: Gosudarstvennoe izd-vo hudozhestvennoj literatury. Per. s kit. i komm. V.A. Panasyuka pod red. V.S. Kolokolova. Moscow: T.1–2, 1954. 1584 s. (In Russ.)
7. Maklyuen M.G. Ponimanie media: Vneshnie rasshireniya cheloveka (Understanding Media: External Human Extensions.). Moscow: Kuchkovo pole, 2023. 464 s. (In Russ.)
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10. 罗贯中. 三国演義 (Lo Guan'chzhun. Romance of the Three Kingdoms). 南昌: 江西美术出版社, 2007年. 第1–2卷. (In Chin.)
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