The North Korean “Army’s Priority Policy” in the Economic Sphere
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The North Korean “Army’s Priority Policy” in the Economic Sphere
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The article deals with the economic aspects of North Korea’s songun (“army first”) policy, examines reasons for its appearance, and explains both the ideological core of songun and the role of the North Korean army in revitalizing the country’s economy. Key words: The DPRK; North Korea; songun; army; economy. L. Badalian and V. Krivorotov. The Eastern and Western Ways of Survival The Ongoing Merger of Two Approaches in the Limit of Resources. Growing shortages of resources, global warming, and pollution are a sign of how far Western-type development may go. Switching back to small-scale production may lead to a merger of the western and eastern types of development. It may lead to settlement of sparsely populated lands unsuitable for horticulture, and to considerable gains in productivity by in-creasing precision as compensation for reduced expenditure of power. This may put renewed stress on the importance of social stability that is currently taking major blows from the mount-ing imbalances of globalization.
The DPRK; North Korea; songun; army; economy
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