Reform of China’s Transportation System and the World Financial Crisis
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Reform of China’s Transportation System and the World Financial Crisis
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For quite a long time, China has not paid enough attention to balanced transportation development, and it has turned into a bottleneck of the national economy. From the early 1980s, however, new approaches to this industry’s improvement have been adopted: special stress was made on improving the quality of the transportation network and high-speed passenger rail-roads and highways have been built; new technologies have been introduced to increase trans-portation and freight capacity, save fuel, and upgrade transportation logistics. Paradoxical as it might seem, the world financial crisis, though, turned the industry into an “anti-crisis tool” stimulating development of the national economy.
China; transportation; high-speed main lines; rolling stock; freight capacity; world financial crisis; “New Silk Road.”
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Additional sources and materials

1. Tszyaotun yun'shu tszintszi. 1985. № 4. S. 42.
2. Zhehn'min' zhibao. 28.09.1985.
3. Chzhungo tuntszi nyan'tszyan' 2000. Pekin. 2001. S. 514.
4. Tszyaotun yun'shu tszintszi, yudyan' tszintszi. Pekin. 1999. № 6. S. 46.
5. Chzhungo tuntszi nyan'tszyan' 2007. Pekin. 2008. S. 619.
6. Tedao yun'shu yuj tszintszi. 2009. № 1. S. 4.
7. Beijing Review. 31.08.2006.
8. Tedao yun'shu yuj tszintszi, 2001, № 2. S. 6.
9. Tszyaotun yun'shu tszintszi, yudyan' tszintszi. Pekin. 2008. № 4. S. 25.
10. Stantsiya na magistrali Lan'chzhou  Urumchi.
11. Beijing Review. 17.07. 2008.
12. Beijing Review. 18.12.2008.
13. Beijing Review. 10.11.2008.
14. Beijing Review. 06.06.2009.
15. Chzhungo tuntszi nyan'tszyan' 2007. Pekin. 2008. S. 620.
16. Chzhungo tuntszi nyan'tszyan' 2007. Pekin. 2008. S. 609.
17. World Bank Report: An Overview of China’s Transport Sector in 2007,Washington,19 De
cember 2008 — Final Report, p.22.
18. Chzhungo tuntszi nyan'tszyan' 2007. Pekin.2008s. 606.
19. World Bank Report. p. 34.
20. Chzhungo tuntszi nyan'tszyan' 2007. Pekin. 2008. S. 603.
21. Porazitel'no, no v nastoyaschem vremya mnozhestvo rossijskikh gruzov ehksportiruetsya i
importiruetsya Rossiej cherez inostrannye porty (na chem ona teryaet bolee 1,5 mlrd
doll. v god). V rezul'tate suschestvennaya chast' importa iz KNR, Yaponii i drugikh stran
Vostochnoj Azii postupaet v nashu stranu ne korotkimi marshrutami cherez rossijskie
dal'nevostochnye porty i dalee po Transsibu, a izvilistym morskim putem cherez Su
ehtskij kanal i porty Evropy. Tak zhe obstoit delo i s ehksportom.
22. Na marshrute TRASEKA  Kaspijskoe i Chernoe morya, preodolevaemye ves'ma doro
gim vidom transporta  paromami (zatraty ehnergonositelej pri ehtom 30kratno vy
she, chem na zheleznoj doroge).
23. V KNR shirina kolei  1435 mm, v Rossii  1520, v Mongolii  1524, vo V'etname 
1535 i 1000 mm.
24. Pravitel'stvo provintsii Khehjluntszyan razrabotalo programmu do 2020 g. po stroi
tel'stvu 145 ob'ektov svoej transportnoj infrastruktury dlya razvitiya ehkonomiche
skogo vzaimodejstviya s Rossiej.


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