“New Democracy” of Mao Zedong and a New Authoritarianism of Chiang Kai-shek: Two Paradigms of Social Progress of China in the Middle of the XX Century
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“New Democracy” of Mao Zedong and a New Authoritarianism of Chiang Kai-shek: Two Paradigms of Social Progress of China in the Middle of the XX Century
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The article analyzes proposed models of the future state structure of China: “new democracy” of Mao Zedong and the doctrine of the new authoritarianism by Chiang Kai-Shek, that varied in their objectives. While Mao Zedong spoke about the necessity of immediate to transition constitutional rule, Chiang Kai-shek, essentially, insisted on incomplete period of “political protection”.
“New democracy”, Mao Zedong, Chiang Kai-shek, the constitutional rule.
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Additional sources and materials

1. Sun' Yatsen. Izbrannye proizvedeniya. Izd. 2-e, ispr. i dop. M., 1985. S. 107-120, 124-136, 145-284, 301-304, 357-368, 376-623, 637, 684-688. 
2. Linebarger P. The Political DSoctrines of Sun Yatsen: An Exposition of the San min chu i. Baltimore: MD. 1937
3. Chzhan Vehn'tyan' nyan'pu [Khronologicheskaya biografiya Chzhan Vehn'tyanya]. Pekin, 2000. T. 1. S. 624.
4. Mao Tszeh-dun. Izbrannye proizvedeniya. M., 1949. T. 2. S. 367-456.
5. Tszyan Chzhunchzhehn (Chan Kajshi). Chzhungo chzhi min'yun' (Sud'ba Kitaya). Chuntsin, 1943; On zhe. Chzhungo tszintszi syuehsho [Kitajskaya ehkonomicheskaya teoriya]. [Chuntsin], 1943.
6. Mao Tszeh-dun. Izbrannye proizvedeniya. M., 1953. T. 3. S. 127-132.
7. Stalin predpolagal, chto kitajskie kommunisty sozovut svoj ocherednoj VII s'ezd v blizhajshie mesyatsy. No sozyv s'ezda zatyanulsya do aprelya 1945 g.
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9. Stalin I V. Soch. M., T. 8. 1948. S. 366; RGASPI. F. 495. Op. 165. D. 267. L. 103.
10. Cressy-Marcks V. Journey into China. New York, 1942. P. 165.
11. Carlson E. Evans F. Carlson on China at War, 1937-1941. New York, 1993. P. 37-38.
12. Carlson E. Twin Stars of China. A Behind-the-Scenes Story of China’s Valiant Struggle for Existence by a U.S. Marine who Lived and Moved with the People. New York, 1940. P. 168, 169.
13. Carlson E. Evans F. Carlson on China at War, 1937-1941. P. 22, 49.
14. Vladimirov P.P. Osobyj rajon Kitaya, 1942-1945. M., 1975. S. 77-78.
15. Dzhilas M. Razgovory so Stalinym. [Frankfurt-na-Majne, 1970]. S. 32.
16. Dedijer V. The War Diaries of Vladimir Dedijer. Ann Arbor: MI, 1990. Vol. 3. P. 313.
17. Lin Yutang. Introduction // Chiang Kaishek. China's Destiny. Trans. Wang Chung-hui. With an Introduction by Lin Yutang. New York, 1947. P. viii
18. Chiang Kaishek. China’s Destiny. Trans. Wang Chung-hui. With an Introduction by Lin Yutang.
19. Chiang Kaishek. China’s Destiny and Chinese Economic Theory. With Notes and Commentary by Philip Jaffe.
20. Shewmaker K.E. Americans and Chinese Communists, 1927-1945. Ithaca; London, 1971; Fairbank J.K. Chinabound. New York, 1982. P. 252-253.
21. Meliksetov A. V. Sotsial'no-ehkonomicheskaya politika Gomin'dana v Kitae (1927-1949). M., 1977. S. 1266-170.
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26. Sukharchuk G.D. Sun' Yatsen // Dukhovnaya kul'tura Kitaya: Ehntsiklopediya. 2-e izd. M., 2011. T. 1. S. 399.
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29. Taylor J. The Generalissimo: Chiang Kaishek and the Struggle for Modern China. Cambridge, Mass., 2009. P. 260-261
30. Jaffe Ph. The Secret of "China Destiny" // Chiang Kaishek. China's Destiny and Chinese Economic Theory. With Notes and Commentary by Philip Jaffe. New York, 1947. P. 18-21.
31. Bergère M.-C. Sun Yatsen. Trans. Janet Lloyd. Stanford: CA, 1994
32. Lorenzo D. J. Concepts of Chinese Democracy: Reading Sun Yatsen, Chiang Kaishek and Chiang Chingkuo. Baltimore: MD, 2013.


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