General requirements for manuscripts proposed for publication in the journal “Problemy Dalnego Vostoka”

The editors only accept for consideration previously unpublished manuscripts: articles, translations, documentary sources, reviews, etc.

Materials should correspond to the Journal topics (problems of economy, history, foreign and internal politics of China, Japan, the states of the Korean Peninsula, other countries of the Asia-Pacific region, as well as the Russian Far East); reflect the author's own contribution to the study of a scientific issue; have relevance and scientific novelty; meet the formatting requirements for manuscripts (see the relevant section).
If all the requirements are met, the proposed material is considered by the Journal editors, sent for peer-review and then discussed by the editorial board that makes a decision on publication.
Average publication period (in case of a positive decision) – 4–6 months from the date of receipt of the material in the editorial office.
All publications in the Journal, including those for graduate students, are free of charge.
The editorial board reserves the right to select materials for publication and is not responsible for the accuracy of the information provided by the authors.


Requirements for the content of materials provided by the authors

The article should indicate the purpose of the study, the main research issue, research methods; a brief critical review of the literature on the subject is also desirable.
The introductory part should indicate the novelty and relevance of the research.
In the main part, it is necessary to describe the results obtained during the research, to concretize how they expanded the existing knowledge on the research topic.
In the conclusion, the main findings should be stated, which should correlate with the purpose and the main research question posed in the introduction.
All citations must be reasonable and relevant to the research problem.